Mon-Sun 08.00 - 22.00 07787215645

PR Friendly Blogger

Dear Esteemed PR, Marketing Professionals, and Journalists......

I’m Open To Collaborations

I am thrilled to extend a warm invitation to collaborate and engage in mutually beneficial partnerships. As a passionate advocate for meaningful connections and impactful content, I am excited to share how we can work together to harness the authority and audience my blog provides. This list however is by no means exhaustive and I’m open to hear your own ideas, please do get in touch to discuss them further.

Partner Posts & Guest Blogging

Nobody understands my audience like I do. I know what motivates them, what attracts and keeps their attention, what converts into sales and how to best communicate with them. I know this because I’ve been doing it for more than 15 years.

For this reason, I don’t allow other people to write content for this site, but I will work closely with you and write it for you. I’m happy to work with you to create posts on my blog that will meet your marketing requirements. As a former marketing director for a large consumer brand I know full well how to leverage content to fulfill the requirements for various marketing channels.

Authenticity is at the core of my content creation philosophy. Ensuring that partner content seamlessly integrates with my platform’s tone and resonates with my readership is paramount.

Product Reviews

My commitment to provide my audience with comprehensive, unbiased, and honest evaluations is steadfast. I understand the significance of trusted recommendations and the responsibility that comes with endorsing products.

I’m open to exploring collaborations for products that align with my audience’s interests and needs. Should your product fit this requirement and offer genuine value, I’m open to discussing potential partnerships for in-depth, transparent, and informative reviews.

Collaborative Review Process

Thorough Assessment: I prioritize understanding the nuances and functionalities of products before reviewing them. This involves thorough research and hands-on experience to provide an informed perspective.

Transparency in Evaluation: My audience values honesty and authenticity. Therefore, my reviews maintain complete transparency, highlighting both the strengths and potential limitations of any product.

Engaging Content Creation: I strive to present reviews in an engaging and informative manner. Whether through detailed written content, video demonstrations, or a combination of mediums, I aim to entertain and educate my audience effectively.

Mutually Beneficial Collaboration

I view product reviews as an opportunity for collaboration that benefits all stakeholders. By working together transparently and honestly, we can ensure that the product is effectively showcased while providing valuable insights to my audience.

I believe that honest reviews build trust and credibility, fostering long-term relationships between audiences and brands.


In addition to content collaborations, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of running giveaways that resonate with my audience. Giveaways provide an exciting opportunity to engage with a photography community while showcasing products or services that align with their interests.

Value in Giveaway Collaborations

Audience Engagement: Giveaways are an excellent way to excite and engage my audience, encouraging participation and interaction.

Brand Exposure: Collaborating on giveaways allows brands to gain exposure within my audience base, reaching potential customers who align with their offerings.

Mutual Benefit: Giveaways present a win-win situation, offering my audience the chance to win valuable products or experiences while enabling brands to gain visibility and collect data for future prospects.

#JournoRequest: Providing Quotes and Stories

As an advocate for meaningful narratives and insightful content, I’m open to collaborating with journalists. Whether it’s offering quotes, contributing expert insights, or sharing compelling stories aligned with my photography and filmmaking expertise, I’m committed to supporting journalists in their quest for valuable and authentic content. Should you require expert opinions, quotes, or stories for your articles that resonate with my areas of expertise, feel free to reach out.


TUI Travel Logo
BBC Sounds Logo
Waitrose Logo
British Airways Logo
Specsavers Logo

Compare The Market Logo
Natwest Bank Logo
Disney Logo
Papa Johns Logo
Not On The High Street Logo

Contact Me To Discuss Your Partnership Requirements

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